Demo Tapes

A better way to collaborate on your tracks

Demo Tapes is a music collaboration platform designed to empower musicians and artists by providing them with a seamless and intuitive space to upload, share, and collaborate on their musical creations.

Whether you're a budding songwriter, an accomplished instrumentalist, or a passionate vocalist, Demo Tapes offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily upload your musical demos and share them with a community of like-minded musicians.

Create, upload, collaborate

Bring back the enjoyment of music collaboration

Invite other musicians to collaborate on your demos, whether they're contributing additional instrumentation, vocal tracks, or production elements. Real-time collaboration features make it effortless to jam, refine, and evolve your musical ideas together.

Upload and Showcase

Seamlessly upload your music demos, whether they're raw sketches or polished tracks, and present them in a professional and organized portfolio.

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Feedback and Comments

Receive valuable feedback from peers and collaborators through comments, fostering a supportive environment for growth and improvement.

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Version Tracking

Easily keep track of different versions of a demo, allowing you to experiment and explore various directions while maintaining an organized workflow.

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